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Weather Statements

    2016: Summer was moderate - watering grass and flowers not needed! Very extended and comfortable Fall with first significant snow on 18 Nov 2016 (gone by Thanksgiving).

    2015: After a beautiful and extended fall in 2015, some snow arrives on Thanksgiving Day in Southern Minnesota (including a little in the Twin Cities).
    2012: After a summer that varied greatly from very wet in the Spring to drought-like conditions and many hot days during mid-summer, the Fall continues to be a bit abnormal. We lived in the air conditioning in the summer but the temps have been cool for some time this Fall. On Oct 15 we still have some flowers but most have been affected by the cold nights and have died. There has not been any trace of snow yet but moisture is not very plentiful. Some leaves have changed colors but many are still "on the tree" --- pick up time will be later!
    Slight dusting of snow on 11 Nov ... Electrical storm during the night caused power outage for hour and half night ... A tornado was reported very close to my home but Ann and I could not find the damaged area.
    Some dusting of snow on Thanksgiving but it has disappeared. On Dec 2, there is still no snow!
    (9 Dec 2012) Things change abruptly -- we have our first significant snowfall of the season --- 10 inches of new snow!
    2011: A beautiful Fall in Minnesota: On October 20, 2011 we received our first "killing frost" (time for recovering the flower bulbs is here). There was a "killing frost" up north much earlier (Sep 15). Fall weather has been unusually nice with the sun shining a great deal. The summer brought a long stretch of "Florida-like" high temps and high humidity. Air Conditioning was a necessity this past summer. Hurricane Irene caused damage on the Eastern Seaboard in August.
    Snowless Fall with beautiful weather. On November19, 2011 we receive our first significant snow of the season but is pretty much "gone" again by Thanksgiving ... Hmmm ... Global warming?
    There really is no significant snowfall in December of 2011 ... winter coats are not necessary ... golf courses open for use ... we have a brown Christmas and even use the playgroud equipment in the backyard with the grand children.
    On January 8, 2012 there are only patches of snow around and winter coats are not part of the necessary equipment.
    2010: Well ... It's October 15, 2010 and the Fall moderately warm and sunshiny weather continues ... no suggestion of snow or cold weather yet ... my annuals are still in full bloom (there has been some scattered frost). I'm outdoors most every day in the yard. (Previously there was significant flooding in Southern MN in Sept with heavy rains around Sep 23. Ames had flooding from rains on Aug 10, 2010 -- Record rain in Twin Cities also on Aug 10, 2010 w/2.47" at Airport.)
    * (Nov 13, 2010) We have snow on the ground this morning ... needless to say, all the annuals have been gone for some time (with the beautifull fall, it has been hard to pinpoint the exact day of the first frost so the flowers< have gradually disappeared)
    (Dec 11, 2010) 18-20 inches of snow descends upon us ... the Metrodome roof collapses ... signals the beginning of a snow filled winter in 2010-11. Many sections of the country experience unusual snow falls this winter.
    (Feb 20, 2011) Another 12-15 inches of snow arrives ... this is the winter of "Snow and more snow" in Minnesota it seems.
    (Apr 16, 2011) April snow awaits us on Saturday morning (not enough to shovel)
    (Apr 20, 2011) Another April snow is on the ground on Wednesday morning (not enough to shovel) ... when will the flowers have a chance?

    * Wake up to snow on the ground on October 10, 2009 but disappears during the day. First hard frost a day later - 11th - and all my annuals are gone.
    * November was beautiful but winter arrives on Dec 8-9 with first significant snow ... looks permanent!
    Snowfall changed Christmas plans a bit with heavy snow Dec 23, 24, 25, 2009 which stayed around all winter until a "fast melt" week in the middle of March 2010. This was a winter of significant snow cover.
    Spring flooding is early with the fast snow melt in the Red River valley, St. Paul, and St. Croix.
    * First Dusting of Snow for 2008 on Nov 7.
    (NOTE: The Fall was very nice and I kept "waiting" for some significant "winter" item to enter here but it never seemed to arrive. Winter of 2008-09 was just long with no significant weather happenings.
    Flooding took place in the Red River Valley most notably in Fargo, ND but that is it. We wait for Spring to appear!)
    * First Dusting of Snow for 2007 on Thanksgiving, Nov 22 ... (Brailey will get to see her first snow.)
    * First significant SNOW on Dec 1, 2007 -- 5/6 inches -- it is white now! The winter of 2007-08 has delivered snow to us.
    Easter week in March favored us with some snow almost each day with nothing big but it is wet and heavy!
    * First Snow Flurries for 2006 on Oct 11 ... There was a "Hard Frost" that night and all my annuals are gone!
    Feb 2-6, 2007 - Cold - Double-digits below zero!
    Feb 24-25, 2007 - SNOW - 12 inches!
    Mar 1-2, 2007 - SNOW - 12 inches!
    "First Dusting" (of snow) for 2005 on Nov 16.
    December 1st Week - a little snow each day - Looks permanent!
    Feb 16-18, 2006 - Cold - Below Zero!
    Mar 13, 2006 - Typical March - New Snow about 10" overnight!
    * First Dusting of snow for 2004 on Nov 27.
    Christmas week - cold and a little snow each day.
    * First Significant Snow on 21 Jan 2005 - Wow ... snow finally here!
    Wet snow on Valentine's Day 14 Feb 2005.

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